Aligau pass (Fadiffolu)
5 Nov 11
Latitude | Longitude | |
DMS | 5°16'08.92" N | 72°53'31.89" E |
DM | 5°16.1487 N | 72°53.5315 E |
DD | 5.26915 | 72.89219 |
Kari Faro is a reef enclosing a lagoon, with the islets of Iwafuri and Fahris on its S side.
From the opening between Hanikandu Faro and Medu Faro, about 1.3 miles NE, a deep channel leads E to the NE side of the atoll.
Islets and reefs on the S side of the channel extend E from Hanikandu Faro.
Sudaroa, about 6 miles farther E, lies at the E entrance of the channel.
Kumadu lies 1 mile E of Sudaroa.
The N part of South Malosmadulu Atoll is triangular in shape. There are numerous openings into the main lagoon on the N and E sides of the atoll.
There is a wide opening into the lagoon between Olugeri, close W of Hitadu, and Boduffnur, about 2.8 miles farther W. A rock shoal, with a depth of 12.8m, lies in the opening.
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