Isolotti La Vacca ed il Vitello - S. Antioco (Sardegna)
La Vacca islet, flat top and steep banks, houses the home of an old lighthouse.
It is extended to N and SW by shoals.
Beside it is the small del Vitello islet, devoid of vegetation and pierced big shots, still visible in the rock, fired from ships in exercises.
It is not possible to anchor near the islets because the founds are high.
L'îlot de La Vacca, au sommet plat et aux rives escarpées, porte la maison de l'ancien phare.
Il est prolongé au N et au SW par des hauts-fonds.
A côté se trouve la petite île del Vitello, dépourvue de végétation et percée de gros projectiles, encore bien visibles dans la roche, tirés depuis des navires en exercices.
On ne peut pas mouiller près de ces îlots à cause des basses profondeurs.
L'isolotto della Vacca, alla cima piatta e alla riva ripide, ha la casa del vecchio faro.
Si è esteso a N e SW da banchi.
Vicino ad essa si trova la piccola isola del Vitello,
poco più che uno scoglio, privo di vegetazione e traforato da grossi
proiettili ancora ben visibili nella roccia, sparati dalle navi nelle
Non si puo dar fondo vicino le isolotti perchè i fondali sono bassi.
Cannai (or Canai) tower built in 1757, remained active until 1815. She had a supervisory role of information and communication to military units responsible for the defense of the island Sant Antioco.
After Cannai tower appears Cannai Bay (Porto Cannai). It is a set of three beautiful beaches. You can anchor, in about 4 m, in the W bay, well protected from the NW winds.
Just E Speone cape is a small cove where it is possible to anchor to W in about 5 m.The gusts of relapse Maestrale are strong.NW cove is a small jety for small local boats.
Sperone cape is a rock at the S extremity of Sant'Antioco island. It faces della Vacca and del Vitello islands, and farther, del Toro island.It is low and rocky, and dominated by the building of an ancient semaphore.