Lumber Key is one of the Ten Thousand Islands, USA archipelago in Mexico Gulf.
Mooring in 4,6, feet, at Western of Lumber Key. Open to western, northwestern and southwestern winds.
Lumber Key est une île des Dix-mille îles, archipel des États-Unis d'Amérique situé dans l'océan Atlantique au sud-ouest de la péninsule de Floride. Elle est située dans le golfe du Mexique et relève du parc national des Everglades.
On mouille par 1,2 à 1,8 m, à l'W de Lumber Key. Ouvert aux vents d'W, NW et SW.
Marco Island, Caxambas park. Marco Island est la plus grande des Dix Milles Îles de la Floride. Elle est située sur le golfe du Mexique au SW de la Floride, au S de Big Marco River, à 1 M environ de l'entrée de la passe Capri. Elle est reliée au continent par un pont.
Pavilion Key, one of the Ten Thousand Islands, USA archipel, is located 30 miles N of Northwest Cape, in Mexico Gulf and. It's a part of National Everglades Park. It is the first prominent land seen after leaving Seminole Point.Anchorage is available for drafts of 4 to 5 feet off ...
Kingston Key is one of the Ten Thousand, USA archipelago, located in Mexico Gulf, in Everglades National Park.Mooring at the Eastern shores of Kingston Key with 6 feet depth. Open to southwestern winds.
Southwest of flashing daybeacon, Russel Pass opens into the Northern flank of the Indian Key-Everglades City Channel. This sidewater offers yet another first-rate overnight anchorage. Cruisers must avoid a shoal at the pass'sentrance, but you can quickly bypass this hazard and ...
Indian key is an island of the Florida State Park, located at Kingston Key NW, in Mexico Gulf, on the W side of the entrance to the pass. The island was inhabited in the middle of the 19th century, but now it is currently a ghost town.Good anchorage is available in Indian Key Pass ...