At the southern point of Paxos the small Island of Moggonissi is set in the most beautiful surroundings and is a place you must visit when you come to Paxos. It is surrounded by clear blue sea and has a sandy beach which offers safe bathing for all ages. It also provides good shelter and facilities and free mooring for boats and yachts.
A 2 milles au sud de Gaios une petite baie pratiquement fermée très calme hors saison où peuvent se loger une quinzaine de bateaux. Une belle plage où vous pouvez louer une chaise longue. On mouille par 4 à 6 mètres de fond mi herbe mi sable.
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Only 2 kilometers or so south of Paxos is Anti Paxos even smaller. There are two main beaches at the north end of Anti Paxos Vrika and Voutoumi. The shore line of the first beach Vrika is sandy, Voutoumi's shore line is pebble but under foot in the water there is white sand. Here ...
A charming, well protected port town in a narrow channel between N. Paxos and Melissi. Water and fuel by truck. You can enter Gaios from a northerly or southerly direction passing two small islands, the first at the mouth of Gaios harbour is called Panayia (Virgin Mary) on which ...
Sur cote ouest au sud de l’ile, baie de Akkra Vodina, beau mouillage par temps calme, plages au bout de la baie. Moins fréquentées que Vrika ou Voutoumi au nord est de l’ile où viennent les bateaux de Paxos dans la journée.
gem to our liking, and well sheltered. In the end of the bay, towards the village, you may find an available berth, (low quay line) using your own anchor. We prefered to anchor outside the weed belt in the inner part on pure white sand. Or if the wind is coming in from east, take ...