O. Ravni Zakan is located SW of the point S of O. Kornat, betweenO. Skulj and O. Lunga at the W. This island have two bays where anchorage is possible and a port.
O. Ravni Zakan se trouve au SW de la pointe S d'O. Kornat, entre O. Skulj à l'E et O. Lunga à l'W. Cette île possède deux baies où le mouillage et possible et un port.
Otok Zirje
is the farthest and the largest island in the Sibenik archipelago. It is long of 6,5 NM (NW/SE) and 1,4 NM wide. The main village, Zirje, is located in the middle of the island. A small port, luka Muna, on the coast N of Zirje, home to the ferry that connects the ...
The island of Murter is the largest island of the Sibenik archipelago. It is close to the coast on which it is connected by a bridge, low air draft at Tijesno (Tisno) on the continent. During the summer the bridge opens to allow passage of boats. The NW part of the island is fertile ...
Vrgadski Kanal, 7 miles long, leads between Otok Murter and Otok Vrgada and is the principal channel used in the S approach to Pasmanski Kanal and Zadar. Vessels with a maximum draft of 6.4m may pass through Pasmanski Kanal. Vessels with drafts over 6.4m must either proceed through ...
Novigradsko More, a landlocked bay, lies at the S end of Novsko Zdrilo and provides good anchorage. Rijeka Zrmanja flows into the bay at the E side. This river is navigable by small craft as far as the village of Obrovca, 6 miles above the mouth. Luka Novigrad, a narrow inlet, ...
Kaprije is located in the central part of the Sibenik archipelago between the islands Zmajan and Kakan. The highlight of the island is Vela Glavica (132 m). The only village of the island is Kaprije, S. The port is busy. Automobiles are not allowed on the island.
Otocic Kameni Zakan is located at SW side of O. Kornat.Sheltered from NW wind.Depth in the passage between Jančar and Kameni Žakan is 2.6 m and between Jančar and Žakanac 6 m.Warning: there are two unmarked reefs with zones of shallows (0.4 NM SW from the bay).