Otok Olib is located E of O. Silba. It belongs to Zadar archipelago.
The island has been inhabited since Roman times. The residents bought their island in 1900. The only village on the island was established around the port. To the east of the island you will find some small hidden bays, facing the islands Pohlib, and Planik Planicic. N of the islands found Olib Iorovnik and Sip. You can buy fresh fish from fishermen, but also oil, wine and cheese made at home. In addition to diving and fishing, we recommend you to surf the waves if you have your board.
Otok Olib se trouve à l'E d'O. Silba. Elle apartient à l'archipel de Zadar. L'île est habitée depuis l'époque romaine. Les habitants ont acheté leur île en 1900. Le seul village de l'île est établi autour du port. A l'est de l'île vous trouverez quelques petites baies cachées, face aux îles Pohlib, Planik et Planicic.
Au N d'Olib on trouve les îles Iorovnik et Sip.
Vous pourrez y acheter du poisson frais chez les pêcheurs, mais aussi l'huile, le vin et le fromage faits a la maison. Outre la plongée et la pêche, nous vous conseillons de surfer sur les vagues si vous avez votre planche.
Olipski Kanal leads NNW between the E side of Otok Silba and the W side of Otok Olib and merges into the N end of Pohlipski Kanal. This channel is deep and has a minimum navigable width of 0.7 mile. It is often used by vessels proceeding to and from Zadar. Good anchorage is ...
Kanal Nove Povljane, entered between Otok Vir and the SE end of Otok Pag, leads 5 miles SE into Ninski Zaliv. Shoals at the inner end of this channel restrict the fairway to a width of about 250m, with a controlling depth of 8m. Vessels with a draft of over 6m are advised not to ...
Silba is a small island, 8 km long where
there are no vehicles and no hotels. Inhabited since Roman times, the Latin "silva" (forest) which gave its name to the island is covered with trees.On the island there are shops, restaurants and taverns, caffe bars,
post office, ...
Premuda is located northwest of Otok Skarda which it is separated by a channel about 0.9 m wide (Premuda Vrata). The tips of each side of the channel are overwhelmed shoals and should not be approached too closely. The coast is home to 2 W moorings and a small port and there is ...
Kvarnericka Vrata, 5 miles wide, is the principal channel leading between the open sea and the S part of Mali Kvarneric. It lies between Otok Premuda and Otok Silba, on the S side, and Otok Ilovik, on the N side.
Rivanjski Kanal continues NW from the N end of Srednji Kanal and leads between Otok Rivanj andOtok Sestrunj. It is generally used by vessels proceeding between Srednji and Zadarski Kanals. Otocic Tri Sestrice, a group of islets and rocks, extend up to 2 miles NW of Rt Zanavin, ...