Kanal Nove Povljane, entered between Otok Vir and the SE end of Otok Pag, leads 5 miles SE into Ninski Zaliv.
Shoals at the inner end of this channel restrict the fairway to a width of about 250m, with a controlling depth of 8m.
Vessels with a draft of over 6m are advised not to use this channel.
Kanal Nove Povljana, se trouve entre Otok Vir et l'extrémité SE de Otok Pag, il mène à Ninski Zaliv, 5 miles SE . Des hauts-fonds à l'extrémité intérieure de ce canal restreignent le chenal à une largeur d'environ 250 m, avec une profondeur de 8m. Les navires ayant un tirant d'eau de + de 6m ne doivent pas utiliser ce canal.
Otok Olib is located E of O. Silba. It belongs to Zadar archipelago.The island has been inhabited since Roman times. The residents bought their island in 1900. The only village on the island was established around the port. To the east of the island you will find some small hidden ...
Ninsko-Ljubacki Kanal, a tortuous channel, connects the SE end of Kanal Nove Povljane with Ljubacka Vrata. This channel leads through the deep inlets which indent the SE coast of Otok Pag, on the NW side, and the mainland, on the SE side. It is entered between Rt Prutna,which is ...
Olipski Kanal leads NNW between the E side of Otok Silba and the W side of Otok Olib and merges into the N end of Pohlipski Kanal. This channel is deep and has a minimum navigable width of 0.7 mile. It is often used by vessels proceeding to and from Zadar. Good anchorage is ...
Privlacki Zaton, a bay, lies between Rt Artic and Rt Kozjac, 2 miles NW. Anchorage can be taken within this bay, in depths of 11 to 20m, soft mud, under the S shore of Otok Vir.
Premuda is located northwest of Otok Skarda which it is separated by a channel about 0.9 m wide (Premuda Vrata). The tips of each side of the channel are overwhelmed shoals and should not be approached too closely. The coast is home to 2 W moorings and a small port and there is ...
Novigradsko More, a landlocked bay, lies at the S end of Novsko Zdrilo and provides good anchorage. Rijeka Zrmanja flows into the bay at the E side. This river is navigable by small craft as far as the village of Obrovca, 6 miles above the mouth. Luka Novigrad, a narrow inlet, ...