Itajai lies about 2 miles within the mouth of the Rio Itajai-Acu, and is entered between the heads of two moles which lie 1 mile NW of Ponta das Cabecudas, which is a good
radar target for better than 20 miles. It is the main port of the state of Santa Catarina, and the second largest in Brazil in terms of the movement of containers.
In 2013 it was chosen as the arrival port for the Transat Jacques Vabre
and the Volvo Ocean Race 2014/15 will be stopping in Itajai in April
This is an official port of Entry for Brazil.
Customs, Immigration and the Port Captain are all
within walking distance of the pontoon. People are friendly and willing
to help. Because not many boats call here, cruisers are treated as a
welcome change from everyday routine.
To arrive at the yacht berthing facility in Itajai, you have to follow the river for about a mile. Just beyond the lagoon on the port side is a pontoon for visiting
yachts, between a jetty with a white building at the end and a large
concrete jetty with a white tent on it.
Phone: +55 47 348 0722
Fax: +55 47 348 0512
Mail: porto@portoitajai.co