Santos lies some 230 NM SW of Rio de Janeiro and is Brazil's biggest and
most important port. The city lies partly on the island of St Vncent,
and partly on the mainland. This is not an attractive stop but useful
for repairs.
The port of Santos is located in the city of Santos, state of Sao Paulo. It is the busiest container port in Latin America.
The approach channel has been dredged (2012) to a depth of 13.5m. It was reported that silting may be present in the channel and harbor and that depths may be less than charted.
A continuous line of quays front the E and N side of the port for a distance of 5 miles starting about 0.7 mile NE of Ponta da Praia.
The Estuario Wharf (Berths 25 to 35) has alongside depths of 9 to 12m and a length of 1,980m. A submerged mole, with a depth of 11.4m, lies between Berth 28 and Berth 29.
The Dow Chemical Terminal consists of a quay 265m long, which can handle chemical and petroleum vessels up to 45,000 dwt and 11m draft.
A buoyed channel, 100m wide, leads from the harbor channel to the turning basin abreast the wharf at the Alemoa Refinery.
Phone: (13) 3233-6565
Fax: (13) 3233-3080
Yachting facilities are not located on the mainland but across the Canal in Guaruja, on the island.
It is possible to anchor in main river but itis not recommended unless going ashore on the Santos side.
Approach from SW is straightforward with Santos Bay easily identified
by the ships at anchor. The buoyed channel leads into the Estuario de
Santos. The tidal stream can reach 1.5 knots in either direction. From
the NW, there are off-lying dangers which cannot be seen.
From the south at night, picking up eading line No 1 on 021° can be difficult against city lights background.
There are moorings at the International Yacht Club, the Estaleiro
Supmar, and Santos Yacht Club, although unfortunately Santos YC does not
permit visiting yachts to use their facilities (restaurant and pool