Punta Nera, S Caloforte, so named because of its dark color of its rocks. It is characterized by shallow water and flat land cultivated, dotted with white houses.
Punta Nera, au S de Caloforte, nommée ainsi à cause de sa couleur foncée de ses rochers. Elle est caractérisée par des eaux peu profondes et des terrains plats cultivés, parsemés de maisons blanches.
Punta Nera, al S da Caloforte, così detta per il colore scuro delle sue scogliere. E' caratterizzata da fondali
bassi e terreni pianeggianti coltivati, costellati di bianche casette.
Punta delle Colonne, S end of S. Pietro island. It is is the most southern tip of the island, and it marks the beginning of the rocky part of the island. In fact, although not higher than 20 meters, the walls of rocks fall into the sea with an impressive verticality.
At about 600 m from the shore, it must be very careful at a small shoal barely touches the water and that should keep well offshore. The seabed in this area are low, around 5 m, and fell rapidly to about 25 m.
Even the small island of Genia, which emerges near the center of ...
Mezzaluna gulf is between Grossa point and Buemarino point, W of Genia. This beautiful gulf is surrounded by red rocks 30/35 m high. In the fissures of the rocks we can see the entrance of the caves.You can anchor in 12 to 14 m in the middle of the bay.