Cagliari Gulf is entered between Capo Carbonara and Capo di Pula. The two sides of the gulf are mountainous, but a long stretch of sandy shore lies at the head and is broken only by Capo Sant’Elia.Several extensive saltwater lagoons and areas of marshes lie behind the sandy shore.The ...
Golfo di Palmas is entered between Teulada cape to SEand Sperone cape to SW. It is bounded to W by the E coast of San Antioco island. The head of Golfo di Palmas consists of a low and sandy isthmus which connects Isola di Sant’ Antioco to the mainland. The gulf is open to ...
Pula cape is overwhelmed by Coltellazo rock. Between Spartivento cape and Pula cape, the coast is lined, with the exception of a short stretch, by a sandy beach very clear.. Near the cape the Guideo islet is projected on clear sandy dunes.
The deep Gulf of Teulada (Bay of Rossa Island) opens W Saprtivento Cape between capo Malfatano and Capo Teulada. It is the furthest S point of Sardinia. Many small bays and coves characterize this area.
The E side of the gulf is high and barren and should not be closely approached.
Quartu gulf lies between Foxi tower and S. Elia cape, in the Cagliari Gulf.It is not recommended to anchor in the Quartu bay.Ancorage is also prohibited in a strip between the bearings to 314 ° of Mezza Spiaggia tower and 316 ° to the S. Elia E end cape and extending to 7 NM of shore.
The marinadi Perd'e Sali, or Porto Combu, is located in the town of Sarroch, about 11 NM S of Cagliari.Caution: The depth at the entrance is less than the significance level. We have 3/5 m in the approach, but the fund decreases rapidly when we are beyond the end of the breakwater, ...