The tower, built on the homonymous beach, on the coast of Quartu, was built by the Spaniards in 1578.
Its purpose was to monitor landings of the Saracens on theQuartu coast . It was guarded by two soldiers with arms that connected the W with the Carcangiolas tower and to E with Saint-André tower, now destroyed.
The tower, which is 2 m. above sea level, is remarkable.
La tour, construite sur la plage homonyme, sur la côte de Quartu, a été construite par les Espagnols en 1578.
Son but était de contrôler les débarquements des Sarrasins sur la côte. Elle était surveillée par deux soldats avec des armes légères qui communiquaient à l'ouest avec la tour Carcangiolas et à l'est avec celle de Saint-André, aujourd'hui détruite.
La tour, qui s'élève à 2 m. dessus du niveau de la mer, est remarquable.
La torre, costruita nell'omonima spiaggia del litorale di Quartu, fu eretta dagli spagnoli nel 1578.
Il suo scopo era
quello di controllare le coste dagli sbarchi dei saraceni, era
controllata da due soldati con armi leggere che intercomunicavano a
ovest con la torre di Carcangiolas e a est con quella di S.Andrea, oggi
La torre, che si trova a 2m. sul livello del mare, è notevole.
Quartu gulf lies between Foxi tower and S. Elia cape, in the Cagliari Gulf.It is not recommended to anchor in the Quartu bay.Ancorage is also prohibited in a strip between the bearings to 314 ° of Mezza Spiaggia tower and 316 ° to the S. Elia E end cape and extending to 7 NM of shore.
Carbonara gulf is located between Carbonara cape and Boi cape, in the Cagliari gulf, on its E side.Depending on the wind,we anchor on the W or E side of the bay. This large bay, rock and sand bottom, is very pretty and very crowded in summer. NW of Carbonara cape, Carbonara Bay ...
The Capitana marina, or Porto Amando, is located SE side Cagliari gulf and to 6,5 NM E S. Elia cape. Tel: (+39) 070805460Fax: (+39) 070805420Mail: marinadicapitana@tiscali.itWebsite: WWW.MARINADICAPITANA.IT 480 b. (<27 m)
Piccola Marina is located W town, behind Sant'Elia promontory, in the resort area. It is protected by a breakwater 300 m long breakwater ending in a large square. Inside there are some floating piers. 350 b. incl. 35 visit.(<18 m) T. 070-6051940Mail:
S. Elia cape is a pronotory with remarkable white patches on the W tip.At E end tip, is Del Poetto tower, that overlooks Piccola marina. S. Elia tower (1282) is located between the lighthouse and Del Poetto tower. It is partly in ruins and is 139 m above sea level. Finally on a ...
Sant'Elmo marina is inside Cagliari harbour, in Su Siccu area, between Del Sole Quay and di Levante new mole.Tel: 070-344169 Fax: +39 3289 781391 Mail: 200 b. (<36 m)