This marina was built in the E and S of the village of Tribunj. The village is connected to the mainland by a narrow stone bridge with one arch. The approach by the SE is the safest because it does not endanger separately limited funds near the mainland coast. Approaching from the west, the funds in the passages between the islands are limited to 2 m and 3 m. It is a dangerous rock in the passage of N O. Lukovnik. There is also an area of shallow water with a rock in the bay to the west and northwest of Tribunj. The chapel on the hill behind the village is remarkable. The marina is sheltered from all winds. 260 b. (<30 m) 150 dry dock Tel: (022) 447 140 Fax: (022) 447 141 Mail:
Cette marina a été construite à l'E et au S du vieux village de Tribunj. Le village est relié au continent par un étroit pont de pierre à une seule arche.
L'approche par le SE est la plus sûre car elle ne comporte aucun danger à part des fonds limités près de la côte continentale. En approchant par l'W, les fonds dans les passages entre les îles sont limités à 2 m et 3 m.
Il y a un rocher dangereux dans le passage au N d'O. Lukovnik. Il y a aussi une zone de haut-fond avec un rocher dans la baie à l'W et au NW de Tribunj. La chapelle sur la colline derrière le village est remarquable.
La marina est abritée de tous les vents. 260 pl. (<30 m) 150 pl à sec Tel: (022) 447 140 Fax: (022) 447 141 Mail:
Otok Zirje
is the farthest and the largest island in the Sibenik archipelago. It is long of 6,5 NM (NW/SE) and 1,4 NM wide. The main village, Zirje, is located in the middle of the island. A small port, luka Muna, on the coast N of Zirje, home to the ferry that connects the ...
The island of Murter is the largest island of the Sibenik archipelago. It is close to the coast on which it is connected by a bridge, low air draft at Tijesno (Tisno) on the continent. During the summer the bridge opens to allow passage of boats. The NW part of the island is fertile ...
Kaprije is located in the central part of the Sibenik archipelago between the islands Zmajan and Kakan. The highlight of the island is Vela Glavica (132 m). The only village of the island is Kaprije, S. The port is busy. Automobiles are not allowed on the island.
Zlarinski Kanal leads along the SW side of Otok Zlarin and is entered midway between Rt Rat and Otocic Komorica, a small islet marked by a light, 1.5 miles SW. This channel is sometimes used as an alternate route to Sibenik by vessels entering Sibenska Vrata, the middle passage, ...
Vrgadski Kanal, 7 miles long, leads between Otok Murter and Otok Vrgada and is the principal channel used in the S approach to Pasmanski Kanal and Zadar. Vessels with a maximum draft of 6.4m may pass through Pasmanski Kanal. Vessels with drafts over 6.4m must either proceed through ...
Otok Svetac (Andrija), 305m high, lies 13 miles ESE of Otocic Jabuka and is generally steep-to. The coast of the island is rocky and reddish in color on the NW side. Its SW end is fronted by a few rocks. Hrid Kamik, a dark and jagged above-water rock, lies 0.7 mile W of the SW extremity ...