Pointe des Vieilles is located 1 mileENE of Pointe de la Baumette. Numerous villas are scattered along the coast between these two points and a prominent hotel stands on Pointe des Vieilles. A conspicuous viaduct, clearly visible from seaward, is situated 0.5 mile N of the point.
A small and flat island, 8m high, lies on a rocky bank whichextends up to 0.3 mile SSE of Pointe des Vieilles, and is surrounded by a group of rocks. A rock, 2m high, lies close S of the island; another rock, with a depth of 1.6m, lies about 0.5 mile S of Pointe des Vieilles and is marked by a lighted beacon.
A wreck, with a depth of 22m, lies about 0.3 mile E of the beacon.