Key Largo
Dry Rocks lies within the boundaries of the previous Key
Largo National Marine Sanctuary.
Key Largo Dry Rocks is located seaward of White Banks and extends to an approximate depth of 30 feet. Dry Rocks SPA covers an area of approximately 0.05nm2, or about 16ha, and captures the main reef features of the area.
Key Largo Dry Rocks has excellent accessibility and hosts a wide range of user activities including commercial diving, snorkeling, and fishing. The presence of the SPA helps alleviate the extensive conflict that currently exists between fishermen and divers, with minimal displacement of either user group. Key Largo Dry Rocks has been degraded by heavy use, and warrants further protection.
Anchoring instead of mooring when a mooring buoy is available or anchoring in other than a designated anchoring area when such areas have been designated and are available is prohibited.
The Dry Rocks is probably the most famous site in Key Largo due to the
Christ Status placed by the Cressi family in 1966.