Petit port pas très éloigné de la ville Mali Losinj. Ce port est identifiable du large à l'antenne radio située au-dessus du village. On peut amarrer sur le brise-lames extérieur par 4 m de fond au droit du quai. On peut aussi mouiller au NW du port par 7 m sur fond de sable et d'herbes. Ouvert au NE.
Olipski Kanal leads NNW between the E side of Otok Silba and the W side of Otok Olib and merges into the N end of Pohlipski Kanal. This channel is deep and has a minimum navigable width of 0.7 mile. It is often used by vessels proceeding to and from Zadar. Good anchorage is ...
Otok Olib is located E of O. Silba. It belongs to Zadar archipelago.The island has been inhabited since Roman times. The residents bought their island in 1900. The only village on the island was established around the port. To the east of the island you will find some small hidden ...
Kvarnericka Vrata, 5 miles wide, is the principal channel leading between the open sea and the S part of Mali Kvarneric. It lies between Otok Premuda and Otok Silba, on the S side, and Otok Ilovik, on the N side.
Premuda is located northwest of Otok Skarda which it is separated by a channel about 0.9 m wide (Premuda Vrata). The tips of each side of the channel are overwhelmed shoals and should not be approached too closely. The coast is home to 2 W moorings and a small port and there is ...
Otok Unije, a long and irregular shaped island, lies with Rt Vnetak, its SW extremity, located 7 miles NNW of Otok Susak and at W from N O. Losinj from it is separated by Unijski Kanal. The island consists of a chain of partly wooded hills and the summit, 132m high, stands in the ...
Silba is a small island, 8 km long where
there are no vehicles and no hotels. Inhabited since Roman times, the Latin "silva" (forest) which gave its name to the island is covered with trees.On the island there are shops, restaurants and taverns, caffe bars,
post office, ...