The small port of Vrbnik is located inside a bay, protected from the NE by a breakwater built from the E side, which leaves a narrow entrance channel. Vrbnik, on top of a cliff 48 m, E port is surmounted by the spire of a church. This old town is remarkable the Mediterranean sea. There is no danger in the immediate vicinity. The entrance is narrow, do not attempt to access it through strong Bora. We can moor the front or back on the inside of the breakwater. There are numerous moorings S port that are fully protected.
Le petit port de Vrbnik est situé à l'intérieur d'une baie, protégé du NE par un brise-lames construit depuis la rive E qui ne laisse qu'un étroit chenal d'entrée.
Vrbnik, en haut d'une falaise de 48 m, à l'E du port est surmontée par le clocher d'une église. Cette vieille ville méditerranéenne est remarquable du large.
Il n'y a aucun danger dans les abords immédiats. L'entrée est étroite, il ne faut pas tenter d'y accéder par forte Bora.
On peut amarrer par l'avant ou l'arrière sur le côté intérieur du brise-lames. Il y a de nombreux corps-morts au S du port qui est totalement protégé.
Otok Plavnik lies with Rt Veli Pin, its N extremity, located 0.7 mile E of the E side of Otok Cres and divides Srednja Vrata in its S part into two channels. This cliffy island is 194m high and partly wooded. Several small islets lie on a shoal bank which extends about 1.5 miles ...
Kanal Vela Vrata connects the N end of Kvarner to Rijecki Zaliv and leads between the N end of Otok Cres, on the E side, and the mainland coast, on the W side. The channel is deep and clear, the bottom being formed of mud.
Rapski Kanal is deep and leads between Otok Sveti Grgur and Otok Rab. This channel is seldom used as the fairway is only 0.3 mile wide in places and several rocky patches lie adjacent to its S side.
Kanal Krusija leads to the W of Otok Plavnik. This channel is frequented because of its steep-to shores and deep passage. A strong current may occasionally be experienced in this channel, depending on local weather conditions, but this passage is recommended over the one leading ...
Tihi Kanal, 3 miles long, connects the NW end of Vinodolski Kanal to Rijecki Zaliv. The channel is deep and tortuous and leads between the mainland and the NE end of Otok Krk.
Olipski Kanal leads NNW between the E side of Otok Silba and the W side of Otok Olib and merges into the N end of Pohlipski Kanal. This channel is deep and has a minimum navigable width of 0.7 mile. It is often used by vessels proceeding to and from Zadar. Good anchorage is ...