Kanal Nove Povljane Vir
Shoals at the inner end of this channel restrict the fairway to a width of about 250m, with a controlling depth of 8m. Vessels with a draft of over 6m are advised not to ...
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DMS | --- | --- |
DM | --- | --- |
DD | --- | --- |
It is generally used by vessels proceeding between Srednji and Zadarski Kanals.
Otocic Tri Sestrice, a group of islets and rocks, extend up to 2 miles NW of Rt Zanavin, the NW extremity of Otok Rivanj.
Vessels proceeding to Zadar may use the narrow channel which leads between the S islet of this group and Rt Zanavin but caution is necessary as dangers lie adjacent to the sides of the fairway.
Caution.—The passage of vessels greater than 500 grt, vessels carrying dangerous substances, and vessels not certified gas free is prohibited within an area which has been established in the channels between Otok Kornat and Dugi Otok, on the W side, and Otok Pasman and Otok Ugljan, on the E side.
This area extends from Otok Zirje, at the S end, to Otok Molat, at the N end. In exceptional circumstances and with a pilot embarked, vessels carrying oil may navigate in this area between 1 October and 31 March.
The tidal current in Rivanjski Kanal may, at springs, attain a velocity of 4 knots. At such times, vessels navigating within the narrow channels in this vicinity must exercise great caution.
Otocic Tri Sestrice, un groupe d'îlots et de rochers, s'étend jusqu'à 2 miles au NO de Rt Zanavin, l'extrémité nord-ouest du Otok Rivanj.
Les bateaux naviguant en direction de Zadar peuvent utiliser le canal étroit qui passe entre l'îlot S de ce groupe et Rt Zanavin mais la prudence est nécessaire car les dangers se trouvent de chaque côté du chenal.Ebook | Zadarska županija (Zadar county)
Ebook | Dalmacija (Dalmatie)