Otok Cres et Losinj Kvarner
The E shore of the island, which is indented in the S part, forms the W side ofKvarneric. The W shore of the island forms the E side of Kvarner. Several villages are situated along its N part and ...
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The northern coasts of the islands are often stripped and flogged by the Bora, while the southern shores are covered with lush Mediterranean vegetation.
You can find here some of the biggest Croatian islands: Krk, Cres, Rab and Losinj Pag, who have a special charm to many small fortified villages and fishing villages in small ports around beautiful pebble beaches white.
There are also smaller islands, like Susak, Ilovik, Premuda, Silba, Olib Ist, Molat and others. The coastline and some of these islands are equipped with spacious and modern marinas, such as those in Icici Opatija near or on the island of Cres and Punat on the island of Krk ...
The channels between these islands form the usual water route that connects north and south of the Adriatic, which is full of sailboats and yachts to or from the south.
The coast is graced with many bays and anchorages, boaters who amaze. Just pronounce the names Punta Kriza has Artatore, Ilovik, Krijal, Brgujski Zaljev, and we have before our eyes the image of a series of pleasure boats in a safe haven. If you sail in the channel at the foot of Mount Velebit, the contrast is striking. A coast almost completely stripped down steeply into the sea, leaving boaters some bays, coves and bays and isolated attractive as Zavratnica.
The port of Rijeka and its extensions in E (Susak, Martinscica, and Urinj Bakar) are all the more important port of Croatia.
Warning: a submarine cable crossing the Rt Sveti Andrija between Kvarner and Luka Cres.
Any underwater activity is prohibited in an area between the parallels of Ruth and Ruth Marler Seka, and extending from the coast to the meridian 14 ° 07 ° East.
The Bora (Bura) NE wind is sometimes very violent and dangerous in the Kvarner. She underwent significant changes in direction:
* in the N, it usually blows in the channel axis.
* In the central part, she turns to the east.
* S in the part, she turns back to N.
The Sirocco wind from the SE, which blows mainly from October to April, is less common than the Bora. It produces a heavy sea, and in cold weather, accompanied by rain.
SE winds are usually of short duration. They often blow in gusts and still raise a heavy sea in the N Kvarner, they turn the S.
Les côtes nord des îles sont souvent dénudées et fouettées par la bora, tandis que les côtes sud sont couvertes d'une végétation méditerranéenne verdoyante.
On y trouve aussi des îles plus petites, comme Susak, Ilovik, Premuda, Silba, Olib, Ist, Molat et autres.
Le littoral et certaines de ces îles sont dotés de marinas spacieuses et modernes, comme celles à Icici près d'Opatija ou sur l'île de Cres et à Punat sur l'île de Krk...
Les canaux entre ces îles forment l'itinéraire nautique habituel qui relie le nord et le sud de l'Adriatique, qui est plein de voiliers et de yachts en direction ou en provenance du sud.
La côte est ornée de nombreux golfes et mouillages, qui émerveilleront les plaisanciers. Il suffit de prononcer les noms Punta Kriza, Artatore, Ilovik, Krijal, Brgujski, zaljev, et on a devant les yeux l'image d'une série de bateaux de plaisance dans un abri sûr.
Si l'on navigue dans le canal au pied du mont Velebit, le contraste est frappant. Une côte presque entièrement dénudée descend à pic dans la mer, laissant aux plaisanciers quelques baies, criques et golfes isolés et attractifs, comme Zavratnica.
Le port de Rijeka et ses extensions dans l'E (Susak, Martinscica, Urinj et Bakar) constituent l'ensemble portuaire le plus important de Croatie.
Ebook | Kvarner