The large Sukosan bay is located around 5,5 NM SE Zadar. It has a small port, but especially the largest marina in Dalmatia, Marina Dalmacija. The village was inhabited from the Roman period and among the remains of this era are the remains of an aqueduct. Approach: Sukosan harbour is SE of the bay. A long breakwater "L" extends from the village to the NW. There is a ruined castle on a small island in the S pierhead.
Marina Dalmacija is N of the bay.
1200 b. (<50 m)
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La grande baie de Sukosan est située à environ 5,5 M au SE de Zadar. Elle abrite un petit port mais surtout la plus grande marina de Dalmacie, la marina Dalmacija.
Le village était habité du temps des romains et parmi les vestiges de cette époque se trouvent les restes d'un aqueduc.
Approche: Le port de Sukosan est au SE de la baie. Un long brise-lames en "L" part du village vers le NW. Il y a un château en ruine sur une petite île au S du musoir. La marina Dalmacija est au N de la baie.
Kanal Nove Povljane, entered between Otok Vir and the SE end of Otok Pag, leads 5 miles SE into Ninski Zaliv. Shoals at the inner end of this channel restrict the fairway to a width of about 250m, with a controlling depth of 8m. Vessels with a draft of over 6m are advised not to ...
Rivanjski Kanal continues NW from the N end of Srednji Kanal and leads between Otok Rivanj andOtok Sestrunj. It is generally used by vessels proceeding between Srednji and Zadarski Kanals. Otocic Tri Sestrice, a group of islets and rocks, extend up to 2 miles NW of Rt Zanavin, ...
Novigradsko More, a landlocked bay, lies at the S end of Novsko Zdrilo and provides good anchorage. Rijeka Zrmanja flows into the bay at the E side. This river is navigable by small craft as far as the village of Obrovca, 6 miles above the mouth. Luka Novigrad, a narrow inlet, ...
Ninsko-Ljubacki Kanal, a tortuous channel, connects the SE end of Kanal Nove Povljane with Ljubacka Vrata. This channel leads through the deep inlets which indent the SE coast of Otok Pag, on the NW side, and the mainland, on the SE side. It is entered between Rt Prutna,which is ...
The island of Vir is one of the 300 islands of Zadar archipelago.
Vir island is located SW Pag, it is 25 kilometers north
of Zadar and it has an area of 22.38 square kilometers. It rises gently from the sea to a bare and double summit, (Bandira) 112m high, with reminds of fort. A ...
The island of Murter is the largest island of the Sibenik archipelago. It is close to the coast on which it is connected by a bridge, low air draft at Tijesno (Tisno) on the continent. During the summer the bridge opens to allow passage of boats. The NW part of the island is fertile ...